Sunday, January 8, 2012


I know that blogging has been around for awhile, I have just now gotten the urge to blog. There are many faucets to the realm of Amigo2be and I am unsure as to which I should delve into at the moment. So whilst I ponder upon blogging I suppose I should first ask, "What does one consider a worthy blog?". Would it be the goat herd and its many aspects? Maybe the gardening and its many aspects. Or perchance should I go into the world of herbs as I do so LOVE talking about them and preparing them for later use. Or pehaps just the experiences of living on a daily basis?

What exactly makes a blog worth reading I guess is what this blog about. There are many blogs that begin well but become latent in its content. And then there are blogs filled with too much information (TMI). Where does one draw the line at TMI? I do like reading blogs that have humor and wit mixed in with educating others as I read this morning on "How-To-Copper-Bolus". And then some I just cannot for the life of me reason why it was written in the first place. I suppose since blogs are so personal and meant to be a sharing experience there has to be some of all types of blogs.

And how does one stay undaunted when there are various people reading blogs? Some are easier to offend while others are easy going. Some people scrutinize titles, some scrutinize the content, and others take to heart with earnestness the content almost as gospel. Comments are variable as well and in those comments are many of the afore mentioned. Offense or communal, dependant upon the reader and writer. So please if there is a certain trick to blogging and commenting a comment on such of a way let me know  now.

I do not blog to be perceptually unhappy towards others nor do I blog to be a laughing court either but just to find another avenue to give my aspect of things. Is this the way to blog? Have I now "hit the nail on the head"?  And if so then should one when reading comments on ones blog take into mind that a comment is just anothers aspect upon the aspect just read? So many questions for a blog, but really necessary to find if blogging is an accepted form of relating aspects.

And so this is my first blog. I do hope that it was not found redundant in its content. I also hope that those that read this blog will relate their views upon blogging and its many aspects. This is written in its entirety by an naive blogger in hopes to continue blogging with more worthy blogging material.
So please help me in my endeavor to find another way to reveal aspects to my many fauceted life in a much more in depth view. Thank you for your attention and happy blogging.


  1. Hey there!

    I don't think there is a magic formula to blogging honestly. I think whatever route you choose to go, no matter what it is, it should be YOU.

    So what if you offend someone? They don't have to read it if they don't like it. I've lost blog followers due to post that offended (Hypocrisy of Food lost me some followers) & I've gained some.

    There are specialized blogs that deal in particular topics & random ones like mine. I do have a bit of humor in mine.... Though I didn't intend for it to be that way, just my personality seeping out onto the screen. I have 2 helpful blogs (Copper & Three Cheers for Cajeta) & I have a few that fit into no category. The only rules I follow for my blog is keep the profanity minimal, no politics, no religion. All else is fair game.

    Write what you want & enjoy it. Just make sure you're at least semi regular in posting so your followers have something to look forward to, & you're all set. Oh and if you want to blog about a variety of topics, but don't want a scattered mess like my blog, you can make pages so the top of your blog will have tabs & you can make tabs for each category :)

    Happy blogging, and BTW, I'm your first follower!! Woohooo


  2. Good luck blogging :-)

    I am your second follower :-)

    Thanks for following my blog :-)

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging:) I'm warning you now though, that it can be extremely addictive!!

  4. Welcome to the blogosphere! People blog for different reasons and I know you'll find your niche. Mine are primarily journals, which is why I have so many! Blogging is a personal journal for me, to record what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. They've helped me in that regard many, many times. That others are interested and have input is a gift. And with that I want to thank you for visiting mine, for the comment, and for following one of them! Being a goat lover and owner (as well as a gardener and herb lover myself), I am obviously interested in following you back. :)
